Friday, September 29, 2006

Repentance is upon us!

Hello my Jewish and non-Jewish peeps. As I mentioned in last week's post Rosh Hashanah the New Year has begun. The Jewish people are given the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, to seek out others and offer their apologies for any indiscretions of the past year. Genius comedian Stephen Colbert has discovered a brilliant way to help Jews expedite that process, as you'll see in this clip:

I also called his toll free number 888-667-7539 which begins with a Shalom! greeting that even rivals the announcer from Tamarzeepoo's favorite TV show Shalom in the Home with the Kosher Sex Rabbi himself, Shmuly Boteach. That Jew should apologize to all of us. Seriously Rabbi, your friendship with Michael Jackson is unforgiveble and the TV show with you living in a trailer....Jews do NOT live in trailers man!

Stephen Colbert, I forgive you for stealing this idea from the National Jewish Outreach Program's Project Forgiveness. I think as an apology to them you should invite NJOP's founder Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald to your show. That'd be cool.

I hope you all have an easy fast and meaningful prayers this Monday on Yom Kippur. Peace, love, and happiness to you all!


Anonymous said...

Cute sketch ;-). Have an easy and meaningful fast.

SusQHB said...

I'm sure its a very nice house Lish. I've seen him in KD with his 15 impeccably dressed children. I swear they eat in KD on a daily basis. On his TV show he traveled the country in a doublewide looking for dysfunctional families. It was the most disturbing thing watching him hugging a bunch of battered wives. Nebbach.