Sunday, October 16, 2005

Things bothering me...

so its been a while since my last post but i've been bothered by some stuff lately that i thought i'd share with y'all. firstly, during my 4 hour shabbos nap this weekend i was awoken by the sound of the ice cream truck. that just sucks. not only did it wake me up with its damn jingling but i couldn't even buy anything cause you can't use money on shabbos. that rule stinks. sometimes you just want ice cream real bad. also shabbos afternoon you're usually fleishig so you can't even have ice cream. that sucks too. ice cream is too good to be off limits. speaking of jingling. this chick across the way decided to put up a wind chime. thats just inconsiderate to everyone in the damn neighborhood. my friend arona lives a block away from me and she can hear the damn thing. it keeps me up at night. what does one do about it? buy a bb gun? start a petition? so annoying. any suggestions? had some other stuff to complain about but forgot it now. will share more later. peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I lived at 186th and Audubon every sunday morning at like 2am a car would park at the bodega and blast its speakers and had such a big subwoofer that I felt it in bed.

It made me want to join the NRA.