Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Potter Trailer

Positively frightening. And they didn't even show the really scary stuff (like the inferi in the lake ""shutter""), just Dumbledore's visit to the orphanage to visit the young Tom Riddle. Now everyone says that it wasn't until HP 4 that Rowling got really dark, and while thats kinda true, it wasn't until this book, HP6 that I was chilled to the bone. One of my faves of the series and the one that I think fleshed out the Dark Wizard's backstory and really because of their duality, in essence, Harry Potter's. I remember the first time I saw the first trailer for Sorcerer's Stone. I was in DC for the summer. And we went to see that horrible movie AI just for the trailer. Just seeing the trailer was an event in itself. So enjoy!

If above video is not available, try clicking here. Movie is being released in the US on November 21st. Go see it!


Chaviva Gordon-Bennett said...

Oooh! They played this on the news this morning :) It looks dark and AWESOME.

(Note: I haven't read the books, but love the movies. I'm one of THOSE people, heh.)

SusQHB said...

Geez Louise! Read the damn books! I was once a nay-sayer. I was when book 3 came out and the world was at a standstill for the week while people devoured it that I finally gave in. Read the 3 books straight through. And I've been obsessed ever since. Even read some of the fan fic. The clean fan fic that is. ;)

shaina324 said...

:) So excited for the movie! oh- and I was totally one of those people who read the 3rd book that first week...